Tight Hips Relief: 10 Essential Stretches for Mobility and Comfort

Tight hips are an issue that develops when tension builds in the hip flexors and other muscles around the hips. Tight hips can be relieved with targeted workouts and stretches. 

Inactivity and lengthy periods of sitting can cause tight hips. Exercise is one of the finest things a person can do to keep their hips functional and pain-free, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Hip exercises can help by: 

  • Maintaining the hips’ range of motion 
  • Strengthening the muscles around it 
  • Reducing the likelihood of hip injury while relieving pain 
  • Preventing hip surgery for those with hip osteoarthritis 

Learn which stretches are most effective for loosening up stiff hips in this article. 

10 tight hip stretches with instructions on how to do them

The exercises listed below will stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the hips, easing tension and protecting against injury. 

Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen. Injury prevention can be achieved by beginning slowly and progressively increasing the number, length, and intensity of the workouts. 

Other pointers for efficient stretching are as follows: 

  • Always take a warm bath to relax before working out
  • Never stretch yourself too far. 
  • When doing the stretches, breathe normally and do not hold your breath.

Chair stand

  • Place the back of a chair against a wall. 
  • Place your feet level on the ground and your knees bent as you sit on the edge of the seat. 
  • Cross your arms and place each hand on the opposing shoulder. Set the chair back on top of you. 
  • Lean forward and slowly rise to your feet while maintaining a straight back and shoulders. 
  • Sit back down gradually. 
  • Repeat ten times.

 Knee lift

  • Lay backward on the ground or a mat with your legs outstretched. 
  • Raise the left knee towards your chest. 
  • Gently nudge the knee towards the chest by pulling it in with both hands. 
  • Hold on to this stretch for 10 seconds before resuming your original position. 
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg.

Internal hip rotator stretch for tight hips

  • Place your back on the chair’s back and sit down. 
  • Place the right ankle on the left thigh while lifting the right leg, with the right knee pointing out to the side. 
  • With one hand, gently press down on the right thigh until you feel resistance. 
  • Keep your back straight while sloping forward a little at the hips. 
  • Exhale gradually as you do this. 
  • Hold this position for up to 30 seconds. 
  • Continue with the other leg.

External hip rotator stretch for tight hips

  • Sit upright on a yoga mat with your legs outstretched. 
  • Fold the left leg and pass it over the right leg, placing the left ankle beside the right knee. 
  • Push the left knee towards the right shoulder with your right arm until you encounter resistance. 
  • Exhale gradually. 
  • Never exert pressure to the point of pain. 
  • Hold this position for up to 30 seconds. 
  • Continue with the opposite leg.

Double hip rotation

  • Bend your knees and lie on your back on the ground or a mat. 
  • Stretch your arms away from the body. 
  • Lower the knees to the left side of the floor while keeping them together. 
  • Try to maintain the thighs parallel to the body. 
  • Your head should be turned to the right. 
  • Make certain that both shoulders remain firmly planted on the mat or floor. 
  • Maintain this posture for up to 30 seconds. 
  • Return the head to the original position while gradually raising the knees. 
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

 Hip flexor and quadriceps stretch for tight hips

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, facing a wall. 
  • Put your hands on the wall for balance. 
  • Step backward with your right foot, keeping your knee bent. 
  • Bend the left knee just a little bit, being careful to keep it from going past the toes. 
  • Keep the buttocks muscles contracted and beneath the hips. 
  • A light pulling should be felt at the front of your right hip and leg. 
  • Hold this posture for no less than 60 seconds. 
  • Repeat on the opposite side.


  • Lay on your back on the ground or a mat. 
  • Keep your arms on your sides while bending your knees. 
  • Put your palms down on the ground. 
  • Lift your lower back and pelvis off the ground slowly. 
  • Maintain this posture for 5 seconds. 
  • Return to the starting posture slowly, lowering the buttocks last after lowering the top of the spine. 
  • Repeat up to ten times.


  • With your feet hip-width apart, stand facing the wall. 
  • For balance, place your hands on the wall. 
  • Maintain a straight spine and contract your stomach muscles. 
  • Lengthen the left leg slowly behind the torso. 
  • Without allowing the lower back to arch, extend the leg as far back as you can. 
  • Maintain this posture for 5 seconds. 
  • Repeat 10 times from the starting position. 
  • Switch sides and repeat the exercise.


  • Place your feet together and face a wall. 
  • To maintain balance, place the hands on the hips or the wall. 
  • Without rotating the hips, extend the left leg out to the side as high as you can. 
  • Take a 5-second hold. 
  • Repeat 10 times from the starting position. 
  • Switch sides and perform the workout.

Hip and back stretch for tight hips

  • Lay down on your back on a mat or the ground and bend your knees.
  • Pull the knees towards the chest while using both hands. 
  • Bring the knees closer to the shoulders with each exhalation. 
  • Don’t go outside of your comfort zone. 
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds once the knees are as near to the shoulders as they will go.


Performing targeted stretches and exercises is one of the best strategies to relieve hip tightness and pain. 

Exercise regularly can improve hip mobility and lower injury risk. Hip tightness may also be reduced by using foam rollers and other at-home remedies like heating pads. 

However, anyone experiencing severe or persistent hip discomfort should consult a physician to determine the underlying reason and receive the best course of action. 

It’s crucial to stop doing any activity that makes your hips hurt. 

Consult a personal trainer or physical therapist for advice and assistance if necessary.

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